Rangecast FAQ
[FAQ-1125] Index - Rangecast feed site software

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[FAQ-1010] Error Message: RADIO MISSING (Code 33)

"Radio Missing" means that a scanner expected at a certain PC could not be found by Rangecast Sender software, when searching attached hardware. This may be because (1) the scanner is powered off, (2) the scanner is not connected from PC, (3) the interface hardware (cable or interface box) is defective or not connected securely, (4) a USB problem - some aspect of the USB system may need to be power cycled to recover from an error condition, (5) configuration problem - the Scanner may have been moved elsewhere without updating the current PC's Rangecast's software, so the software is not seeing the expected scanner, or (6) a driver problem - A COM port driver may be wrong, not installed, or corrupted. In any case, Rangecast software on the PC is unable to identify the specific scanner assigned to this ID.

[FAQ-1014] Error Message: NO AUDIO PORT (Code 26)

The 'No Audio Port' error occurs when the Rangecast software is in communication with the radio scanner (over the com/data port), but is unable to find an audio input to the PC that appears to have this scanner's audio output. Therefore, Rangecast cannot capture the audio content from transmissions received on this scanner. The most common causes include a problem with the Windows audio or USB system, or a loose connection on an audio cable or to a sound card within the interface box. (Note this error does not mean that the audio port does not exist, but that the audio port cannot be located by software. This could be due to the port being missing, or an audio cable being disconnected, or a volume level problem resulting in no audio reaching the PC.)

[FAQ-1025] Error Message: NO AUDIO (Code 6)

The Sender has correctly found the sound channel from its scanner, but the average audio level during several receptions was zero (or so close to zero as to be indistiguishable from a total absence of audio)

[FAQ-1053] Error Message: CLOCK ERROR (Code 31)

The CLOCK ERROR message warns that the PC clock is wrong and not synchronized with the Rangecast server. A RED BOX warning with "CLOCK ERROR" displays on the Sender during this condition. If the clock is off by more than 15 minutes (or set to the wrong time zone), this prevents the Sender from feeding audio. This is a disabling problem but is easily fixed. NOTE: this FAQ relates only to a clock error displayed on a PC recording audio, and is NOT related to clock error messages on a PC playing audio.

[FAQ-1055] RED BOX(s) displayed by the Sender.

RED BOX warnings are displayed by the Sender for some abnormal conditions.

[FAQ-1068] Error Message: QUIET TRANSMISSIONS (Code 21)

Quiet Transmissions means that, during a significant fraction of the time, the scanner is recording content that is rejected due to abnormally low audio levels. There are two possible reasons - either the audio input is running low (and can be raised through the Windows Sound user interface), or the designated programming for the scanner includes channels that are producing non-voice content (such as periods of silence.)


Multisync is software that coordinates the scanning pattern of multiple scanners sharing the same programming, so that each transmission is received by only one scanner in the cluster, while other scanners are free to detect simultaneous transmissions on other channels. For low latency (realtime control of scanners), Multisync operates locally (over a LAN, not instead of over the internet) on a 'master' PC arbitrarily chosen from among the PCs participating in the cluster. If the Multisync software freezes, or is somehow blocked from operation, the senders will report that Multisync is unresponsive. This can also happen if attempting to connect PCs into a single cluster that are on different LANs, since the PCs cannot communicate with each other over a shared local network.


[FAQ-1077] Rangecast will clear some problems automatically - It may be best to wait 20 minutes.

The Rangecast system is designed to be self-healing from many common problems. Although errors are generally reported quickly so you can be aware of performance and current operations, for many errors, it is often advisable to wait for 20 minutes and see if the problem corrects itself without intervention. If the cause of the problem is that some computer is temporarily offline (e.g while rebooting, undergoing maintenance, or subject to a temporary network outage), this allows time for the computer to recover and resume normal operations. Similarly, some aspects of the Rangecast system are designed to wait for a few minutes before attempting to automatically reconfigure or correct problems.


[FAQ-1020] What is a VOX sender?

A "VOX sender" is the Rangecast feed site software operating in a special mode used for bringing audio content into Rangecast from any audio source other than a Uniden radio scanner that supports data communications with a PC. Examples include audio streams obtained from the internet, microphones, radio scanners that lack the ability to communicate with a PC, or non-Uniden radio scanners (the software only knows how to communicate with Uniden scanners). In addition, VOX is sometimes used temporarily for technical analysis of audio from a radio scanner normally used in non-VOX mode.

[FAQ-1072] How to prevent Rangecast from automatically launching on a PC when it boots

To ensure reliable recovery of a Rangecast feed site in the event of a power failure, or if the PC automatically reboots for other reasons, a special file is placed in a Windows Startup folder triggering the launch of Rangecast software in the PC bootup process. To prevent Rangecast from automatically launching on a PC when it boots, delete this file.

[FAQ-1086] Quality verification after making changes to what scanners are active

When a change is made to what senders are part of the Rangecast network (including both scanners and VOX sources, and which PC these senders are operating on), a quality verification step is needed on the PC to confirm that the PC is correctly configured (will launch what is intended, and will not launch what should not operate there). Also,for every feed site number (e.g. example-10) where any scanners have been added, removed, or moved between PCs, Rangecast Operations needs a list of the correct configuration (which senders should be operational on which PCs by name in the Default Location Note field.)

[FAQ-1088] How to stop Rangecast software on a feed site PC (temporary stop, not decommission)

Rangecast software on a feed site PC includes a "watchdog" process that monitors for software faults, and may automatically relaunch the software if it is not closed correctly. The correct way to stop Rangecast is to click the Rangecast icon, and then press the Stop button.

[FAQ-1090] SOP for quality assurance verification of feed site configuration

Whenever changes are made to the Rangecast configuration on a PC -- including adding, removing, or renaming any scanner or VOX sender -- this process must be followed to ensure that various configuration settings and reference information is correct.

[FAQ-1091] Special Settings parameter on PC feed site configuration screen

Special Settings is a field on the PC feed site configuration screen for customizing various aspects of software features and performance. Commands entered here may affect all audio sources on the PC, or be directed to a specific scanner or audio source.

[FAQ-1092] Format of PC identification (Location Note) on Configuration screen

A short name is associated with each PC, to help identify that PC within the a hub. The maximum length of a name is 16 characters. Recommended content includes (a) city location (e.g. 'Norfolk VA'), (b) facility (e.g. 'studio', 'tower'), (c) distinguishing features within a group of co-located scanners (e.g. 'VHF'), (d) if multiple PCs would be similarly described, a numerical ID (e.g. '2'). Care must be taken to ensure the text does not exceed 16 characters, as this is not enforced in the user interface. City names may often need to be abbreviated due to space constraints. For space efficiency, the name of the hub should generally not be included. This text is always reported along with the Rangecast ID of a sender (which includes the hub name), so text is only needed to supply additional information, such as a description of the geographical location or particular PC unit.

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