Rangecast FAQ
[FAQ-1170] How to set up a test VOX sender to observe an audio input



When testing an audio input, it is sometimes useful to set up a temporary VOX sender. (This can operate simultaneousy with a normal sender recording audio from the same source.) The VOX sender will record a file for each period of audio on the input line.


To set up a temporary VOX sender:

1) Choose a feed site ID.

a) You may use the hub 'testsite' (always available for testing purposes) and choose a feed site number that is not currently in use for any other test. A Rangecast representative can identify a feed site number at 'testsite' that is available for use.

Note for Rangecast representatives: Go to the status page for 'testsite' and look in two places for active feed site IDs. On the Senders tab, review the list of senders (if any, this will be blank if there have been no recent tests.) Then, on the Programming tab, look at the section at the top of the page labeled Sites, that provides a list of IDs with active RCHAN information. When assigning a new temporary feed site ID for a VOX sender at 'testsite', choose a number between 10-99, and avoid feed site numbers present in either the Senders and Programming lists.

b) If the PC is used for normal Rangecast feed site operations, you may choose a feed site number that is not in use on that hub. For example, if the hub is 'somehub' and there is no feed site 99 at 'somehub', then you may choose the feed site ID somehub-99. Note: this will result in the test audio being present on the Java player and transmission log for that hub (but not the HTML5 player.)

2) Identify the audio input

On the feed site PC, launch the Rangecast software, and then press the "Meter" button. This opens a display showing a realtime audio meter for each audio input, labeled with the audio input ID used by Rangecast (e.g. A1, A2, A3 ...) Observe the meters to determine which audio input corresponds to the source you wish to record.

Note: if the audio source you wish to test is a scanner that is currently operating as a normal Rangecast source, instead of using the meter as described, you can read the audio input from the sender that is currently recording from the desired input.

3) Configure the VOX sender

On the feed site PC, launch the Rangecast software, and then press "Configuration".

The software will take some time to scan for connected hardware. Wait until this process is complete (the text "Port tests complete" will appear in the upper-left).

In the entry box at the bottom of the screen labeled "Unlinked Sender", enter a new sender ID. Use the hub and feed site number selected in step 1. For the third field, enter a capital V followed by the audio input number determined in step 2. For example, if your selected feed site ID is "testsite-90" and the audio input is A3, then you enter "testsite", "90", and "V3" in the three fields. There is an unchecked box on the left side of the row (the box is a "use this?" selector), you must check the box. (The new VOX sender will be known as testsite-90-V3)

(Note: when using a sender ID in this V# format for test purposes, there is no need to use the normal VOX setup process on a secondary single-sender configuration screen, as would normally be done to assign a descriptive name and HTML5 channel ID to the audio channel. The sender will be automatically configured as a VOX sender on the selected input, with a descriptive test name identifying the PC.)

Then press Save.

The software will once again scan for connected hardware. Wait for this process to complete (the text "Port tests complete" will appear in the upper-left). Then close the software and relaunch Rangecast.

4) When your test is complete, go to Configuration again, and uncheck the box on the row with the test sender ID. Then Save, and relaunch Rangecast.



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