Rangecast FAQ
[FAQ-1024] Error Message: NO COM PORT (Code 1)

Page Type: SYMPTOM


The Rangecast Sender software is operating in a mode where the software is fixed to a specific COM (data) port by number for communicating with a scanner, but it is unable to establish a data connection to a scanner at this port. This method of operation has been deprecated, and it is recommended that the software be placed in a more normal mode of operation.


In the original version of Rangecast software, the software was configured to communicate with a scanner at a particular COM (data) port number. Sometimes the COM ports would be renumbered by Windows, or the correct port assignment would change if scanners were unplugged and then reconnected through different wires to the PC. Therefore, Rangecast added a feature to the software that would scan all COM ports to detect the same physical scanner that was previously used with a specific Rangecast ID. This eliminated problems related to changes in the numbering of COM ports.


The "No COM Port" error message can only be generated in an operational mode using a configuration file (called an INI file) that we recommend not be used when connecting Rangecast to a scanner that supports data communications. To remove this file:

[FAQ-1094] How to remove the INI file for one sender on a feed site PC

Early versions of the Rangecast software had each sender on a PC operate entirely independently of the others (no configuration page to view settings for all senders in one place) with settings for each sender stored in a separate INI file generated by that sender's "Setup" page. This feature is still used in the rare case of VOX senders, but in all other cases is deprecated. Automatic settings have been developed that eliminate the need for customization in most situations, and when necessary any customization should be done in the "Special Settings" box of the configuration screen, where the settings are more visible (and it's possible to ensure all senders are set as desired.) This process describes how to remove the INI file, and transfer any manual settings that you want to preserve to the "Special Settings" parameter.

When viewing the Setup page in that process, ignore the contents of the boxes labeled "Source", "Comport" and "Speed". If no other fields are different, then you can delete the INI file as indicated without creating a "special settings" command.


After this change is made, if the problem does not resolve, it may shift to a "Radio Missing" error message. This is an error message roughly equivalent to "No COM Port" for Rangecast software placed in the recommended mode of operation.

Whereas "No COM Port" means that no scanner was found at a specific COM (data) port number, "Radio Missing" means that a scanner with the expected Rangecast ID was not detected even when searching all the COM (data) ports on the PC. This may indicate a hardware problem (such as a disconnected data cable, or USB malfunction), or the radio scanner may never have been initialized to the expected Rangecast ID. If you encounter a Radio Missing error message, follow the instructions for that error

[FAQ-1010] Error Message: RADIO MISSING (Code 33)

"Radio Missing" means that a scanner expected at a certain PC could not be found by Rangecast Sender software, when searching attached hardware. This may be because (1) the scanner is powered off, (2) the scanner is not connected from PC, (3) the interface hardware (cable or interface box) is defective or not connected securely, (4) a USB problem - some aspect of the USB system may need to be power cycled to recover from an error condition, (5) configuration problem - the Scanner may have been moved elsewhere without updating the current PC's Rangecast's software, so the software is not seeing the expected scanner, or (6) a driver problem - A COM port driver may be wrong, not installed, or corrupted. In any case, Rangecast software on the PC is unable to identify the specific scanner assigned to this ID.

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