Rangecast FAQ
[FAQ-1306] Replay Mode



Replay Mode, instead of choosing new transmssions, sequentially steps backwards through whatever has most recently been played on the Rangecast player.


Replay mode is selected by clicking on the film-reel icon on the top bar of the Rangecast player. When Replay mode is selected, this icon will show in white.


In most circumstances, if you want to replay a transmission, you would use the Replay button below the main player display. This button will replay the most recently played transmission (or if a transmission is currently playing, make it play again as soon as the first playback is complete.)

If you want to retrace your steps, and are working in Forward History mode, then you can reverse direction with the Reverse History button.

However, if you are in Monitoring Mode and another transmission starts playing before you press the ordinary Replay button, there is no easy way to retrace your steps. If you use Reverse History, you will step through all available transmissions - including transmissions that may have been skipped in Monitoring Mode to stay current. Also, the sequence of transmissions may be different from what you expect, because Reverse History goes backwards sequentially in time order, whereas Monitoring Mode plays transmissions in the order they become available (which is not necessarily the same as time sequence, for example long transmissions may involve more processing time and therefore have a longer latency.)

Replay Mode was created to fill this gap. In Replay Mode, transmissions are replayed in the reverse order of how they were played originally, so you can step backwards and find something you recently heard. (The Skip button may be used to skip past a transmission and move to the previous one.)



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